Friday, September 18, 2015

Impact of the internet

Impact of the internet

The internet creating a big impact on the society by revolutionizing the way people live and work in the everyday life. There huge impact in several keys areas like the government sectors.

E-government, E-commerce, E-learning, and E-entertainment are five examples of the change internet brought to our society.

The cost of some of services cloud bring to zero once they are providing through the internet for example, consider voice calling to long distance location through the internet.

Ultimately, we hope the internet would bring people, service and different cultures together in to a small village
(E.g. Facebook,)

History of the internet

The internet began as a research project funded by ARPA. Researchers studied ways to interconnect computers that use various kind of network. The name internet refers to both the project and prototype network system that researchers built.

Known by the name TCP/IP the software used to make the internet operate contains many complex computers programs that work together to provide communication. The software work so well that it hides the details of under laying hardware and provides the illusion of a seamless system.

The internet an open system, because the specification needed to build TCP/IP software or use of the internet are available to everyone. Researchers who devised the internet published technical information in the series of reports that describe the internet and the TCP/IP software it uses. For historical reasons, each document in the series is labeled request for the comments.

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