Monday, September 7, 2015

Information Retrieval System

Information Retrieval System

Information can be sent from any computer to any others 24 hours a day. There are various types of resources available for information retrieval.

One major resource is web sites or home pages of organization or individuals like Another resource that can be used for information retrieval is search engines. is a very popular search engine. You can also find books and reports and repositories of S/W applications and so much more.

Who pay for it?

Who pay for the internet? Do you have to pay for the internet access?
There are no owners for the internet. However, these networks should be developed and maintained by the providers (ISP/IAP). Therefore those who provide network connectivity (internet service providers) have to change individuals/organizations when they want access the internet through their networks.

Generally, there are two type of fees one for access time and the other one for internet connectivity.

Access time is usually based on local telephone charges (e.g. Dial up connection) or a fixed amount irrespective of access time (e.g. ADSL Connection).

In some countries, internet connection can be obtained through cable TV network.

At the same time, an individual or organization can obtain a dedicated direct connection to the internet (e.g. Leased line) if they wont to have very high speed connection and the charges for such connection usually high.

Wireless access is also available from ISP (e.g. HSDPA or 4G) which is much suitable for the mobile user.

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