Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Basic Role of System Software

2.3. Basic Role of System Software in CBIS

System software is the set of programs designed to coordinate the activities and function of the hardware and various programs throughout the computer system. A particular system software package is designed for a specific CPU design and class of hardware. Different types of system software include operating systems and utility programs.

2.4. Software Issues and Trends

2.4.1. Software bugs

A software bug is defect in a computer program that keep it’s performing in the manner intended. Some software bugs are obvious and cause the program to terminate unexpectedly. Other bugs are subtler and allow errors to creep in to your work. Most software bugs arise because manufacturers release new software as early as possible instead of waiting until all bugs are identify and removed. Fallowing are tips for reducing the impact of software bugs.

·         Register all software to receive bug alerts, fixes, and patches.
·         Check the manual or ReadMe file for workarounds.
·         Access the support area of the manufactures web site for patches.
·         Install the latest software updates.
·         Before reporting, make sure that you can recreate those circumstances again.
·         Once you can re-create the bug, call the manufacturers tech support line.

·         Avoid buying the latest release of software early until software is matured.

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