Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hardware & Software of Computer System

2.1. Description of Hardware of a computer system

 Physical part of the computer, like monitor, HDD, Ram, mouse, keyboard, graphic cards.

2.2. Application Software

The primary function of application software is to apply power of the computer to give individuals, workgroups and the enterprise the ability to solve problems and perform specific task. The computer uses one more application programs preform particular task. The application programs interact with systems software, and the system software then directs the computer hardware to take necessary action.

2.2.1. Type of Application Software

Application Software gives organizations ability to solve problems and perform specific activities and task. Application software can be categorized as proprietary (bespoke) and off-the-shelf (packaged) software.

Proprietary software

Off-the-shelf software

Software is developed and owned by the company that use the software
Software develop and available in the market
Software solve a unique or specific problems of organization
These Applications are not written for specific company and provide standard function
Development of software may be outsourced or based on contract.
Software may be purchased, leased, or rented from a software company.
Software usually meets the user requirements
Software can be customized to a certain extent to better fit company specific needs


Software meets the user requirements
Lower initial cost
Provide flexibility in making modification
Lower risk that the software fail
Offers more control over the result
High quality bugs free and well tested


High development cost
May pay for features never used
Significant resource are required to develop
May lack of important features
Has more risk concerning the features and performance 
May not match current work processes  
Some of the factors to be considered when selecting off-the-self software are,

  • Will the software is compatible with hardware and software of the organization
  • Dose the software meet the essential business requirements
  • Is the software manufacturer financially stronger and reliable
  • Is total cost of products is favorable compare to the benefits 

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