Saturday, August 29, 2015

What is the internet ?

What is the internet

The internet a networking infrastructure, it is a massive network of networks. It connects millions of computers together globally [1 Billion by 2006], forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the internet.

Information that travels over the internet dose so via variety of languages known as protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IRC, etc...) the basic protocol of the internet are TCP/IP
Much application run on internet, the most popular one is World Wide Web. some of the rest are file transfer, email, UseNet news group, instant messaging, etc...

Global infrastructure

The internet is a giant network spread throughout the world by connecting different type/levels of computers (from personal computer to high-end workstation).
Although these computers are at homes, office, school/universities and government departments, it appears as an information retrieval system with communication facilities to all users of the internet. At the same time it is system which is available on demand at all times.

Communication System

Not like telephone system which as very limited number of services (voice, phone, fax, etc…), the internet has unlimited number of services this property is called generality.
Application which run (execute) at computers connected to the internet can provide these services. Examples:

  •             File Transfer
  •             Email
  •             Instant Messaging
  •             Discussion Forums (forums on web site, news group etc.)  


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