Saturday, August 29, 2015

Introduction to Application package

What are the application packages?


The computer running with lots of programs simply called as an application or application software. Everything related to computer can be grouped in two major components as hardware and software.

Some applications bundled as packages with respect to the type of work it can perform. For example, Office applications, graphic design applications, web design applications, desktop publishing applications and so on.

  • Office application
  • Desktop application
  • Graphic design application
  • Web design application
  • 3D & video editing Application

Running environment of Computer Application

Different applications are running in different computer system environment. For Example: MSOffice on Windows, not on Linux, Open office running on both of windows and Linux.

Folder Structures and files for managing computer data

The first screen you seen as soon as you logged into the computer is called as “Desktop”. Double click on my computer icon on the desktop in windows environment you will see,

  • User document
  • Hard disk drive
  • Storage device

If you click on the partition of the hard drive you can see files and folders existing in it

Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer window provides a better hierarchical view of the files and folders of a machine running with MS Windows

How to open windows explorer

  • Press windows key + “E” key
  • Click folder button in the standard button bar in the document window.
  • Select Start > All programs > Accessories > Windows explorer

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